Frequently asked questions.
What grades will CRLA Serve?
CRLA Capistrano is an approved TK-8 school. During the 2024/25 year, we will offer TK-6. Each year thereafter, we will add one grade level until we reach buildout as a TK-8th grade school.
What are the age requirements for Kindergarten and Transitional Kindergarten?
In order to be eligible for Kindergarten, scholars must be turning 5 years old on or before September 1 of their Kindergarten year. Children who have a birthdate between September 2, 2019 and June 2, 2020 are eligible for TK in 2024/25.
Will Foreign Languages be Offered?
In 4th and 5th Grades, Greek and Latin roots are included in language study. In 6th Grade, CRLA will begin the formal study of Latin. Latin is extremely beneficial for deepening our scholar’s understanding of English and Grammar, as well as logic and clarity. Latin Scholars will have a strong advantage in pursuing any foreign language study. We do not anticipate other languages being offered at this time.
Will before and after school care be offered?
Yes. YMCA of Orange County will be providing service onsite. Details can be found here.
Will we have a GATE Program?
CRLA will not have a traditional GATE program. CRLA is committed to educating scholars who have the capacity for excellence beyond that of their same-age peers. Each classroom’s curriculum may be differentiated to provide acceleration, depth, and complexity. We are confident that our curriculum and Classical Education Model will provide the challenge for scholars who wish to accellerate. However, CRLA does not believe that providing occasional “pull-outs” is the best model for helping gifted students achieve their potential. Instead, teachers work together with administration to provide meaningful, challenging, and extended learning opportunities that encourage a love for learning.
What is a charter school?
Charter schools are public schools as defined by federal and state law. They must meet the same academic standards that all public schools are required to meet. Charter schools are:
Tuition-free and open to all students
Non-sectarian and do not discriminate on any basis
Publicly funded by local, state, and federal tax dollars
Held accountable to state and federal academic standards
Subject to ongoing oversight by the authorizing district or county
Required to complete an annual independent financial audit
How are public funds allocated to charter schools?
In California, public school funding follows the student, with the funding going to the public school the parents choose, whether a public charter school or a traditional district school. When public charter schools are funded, there is no overall loss of public school money because charter schools are public schools.
Is this an online school?
No, this will be a brick and mortar, full day, M-F school.
Are our teachers credentialed? Union?
As required by California law, CRLA will comply with all teacher credentialing requirements.
There is certainly no union requirement for our teachers.
What is the curriculum?
We will be using what’s known as Core Knowledge Sequence, as well as FranklinCovey’s Leader in Me.
Do you serve students with special needs?
Yes. CRLA provides special education services and is open to all students irrespective of their needs. CRLA will partner with the Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) to provide programs necessary to serve the individualized educational needs of our students.
Who can attend?
As a school of choice, CRLA is open to any student who wants to attend, regardless of where he or she lives, space permitting.
What are the vaccination requirements for attending CRLA?
CRLA is a public charter school. As such, the vaccination requirements to attend are identical to any other public school in California.
Do siblings get priority enrollment?
Yes. Siblings of enrolled scholars receive priority admission.
Does Classical Education include Arts & Music?
Yes. Part of our main curriculum includes instruction in art and music - history, artists/composers.